Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Do all you do

One last bit of joy last night was a trip to McD's in our PJ's for 150-calorie ice cream cones.  I know, the fact that I am telling the world that I let my kids have ice cream from McDonald's is pretty much a sin in today's food-wise world.  I think I can live with that.  The whole family was united on a quick trip to borrow a car, and this pit-stop seemed like a great way to make it into a happier errand. On the way home, Kai went with me on a quick diaper run to Wal-Mart (did I mention our lives are chaos) and we had a great little talk when we pulled into the driveway. 

We've been talking with him a lot about doing his best work.  He brought up a little moment from school, and it led to a great discussion about why we do our best.  I was reminded of and able to share with him this verse from Colossians, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." (Col 3:23, NIV) We talked about how he does his best on his homework and his chores and with his siblings not for me or his dad or his teachers or himself, but for Jesus.  And we talked about how I mow the lawn and change diapers and go to work for the very same reason, for Jesus.  And in that moment, this Momma was humbled.  Here I thought I was having this chat with him in the car so that I could teach and instruct him, and all of the sudden, the Holy Spirit took that moment to teach and instruct and remind me of my purpose.  I needed that reminder.  To be floored by the reality that the minutes of my day are for a greater purpose, and they do not go unnoticed.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sort of Tasty Wednesday

So, just when I said I'd be writing about our Tasty Tuesdays (OK, so maybe that was a month ago) I started working on Tuesday nights.  That kinda throws a wrench in the Family Night plans.  Last night, Wednesday, I opted to go ahead and try for a tasty meal with me and the kidlets, even though the hubs would be working late.

Overall, I'm going to call it a bang up success.  Kai officially said I knocked his socks off.  He said he was pretty sure I was the best cook in the world and that this was the best meal I had ever made.  Be still my beating heart!

I mean, come on?  Who isn't going to fall for this guy? And he'll compliment your cooking!

Never mind that there were tomatoes in the salad and the dude hates tomatoes.  Never mind that Asher only ate his dinner under the threat of going to bed early if he didn't muscle down some of that food.

He looks happy here, but he hasn't tasted anything yet.

Never mind that Brynnlie didn't get to eat the meal since she hasn't had any fish yet, and that she spent most of our meal time on the patio squawking loudly enough for the neighbors 5 houses down to think I must be completely neglecting the poor girl.

 Just keeping things real--this is a baby girl in desperate need of a bath!   Like the applesauce hair gel?

Never mind all of those things.  This was good food, on a glorious evening, and it was every ounce of Tasty Tuesday that a random Wednesday without the whole family there could possibly be.

 Summer preview on a plate, baby.

 I gotta say, Skinny Taste hasn't let me down yet.  Every single recipe I have tried from this site has been amazing, forget about the fact that it is all low-calorie and good for you.  And to top it off, her photos of the food will make mine look like exactly what it is--an unskilled snapshot taken by someone who doesn't necessarily have "the eye."  Don't let that stop you--definitely try the Cilantro Lime Tilapia Tacos  and the Southwestern Black Bean Salad as soon as you possibly can.  Delish!  

So there I was, spoon-feeding a baby, coercing a toddler to "just try another bite" and instructing a big-kid to go get his own second helping.  Between delivering bits of information to inquisitive boys, bits of nourishment to a hungry girl, and generally losing my mind, I was also gulping down my own little bites of deliciousness.  Taking in the warm air, the buzz of insects already making their presence known, the sounds of our busy little neighborhood.  That moment is exactly what I want out of life. I am where I am supposed to be.

I need to take these few minutes to pause and appreciate how much goodness there is in the midst of that chaos.  Otherwise, all I remember is the chaos.  "Taste and see..."  I've been too rushed, too hurried in my tasting.  I haven't stepped back and chosen to really see the joys the Lord has for me.  The joys are are many.  I am blessed.