Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Golden Day of Summer

Today, it felt like summertime around here.  We celebrated our rock star who is soon-to-be-five-years-old with an easy bash at the pool.  Friends and moms and dads hung out, had treats, and cannonballed off the diving board with wild abandon.  We lounged in the water all afternoon, surrounded by sunshine and smiling faces.  Heading home we showered and lounged some more, indoors with screentime for a break from the heat and sun.  Tonight was family night, spaghetti for dinner, a quick Wii contest, and mint chip ice cream for dessert, just to really bring that summertime feeling home.

As I gave Brynnlie Grace her breathing treatment and rocked her to sleep, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for all the goodness we had today.  No sooner had I begun reflecting on how perfectly summery our day was, and how glad I was that we could share it together, than I started to become plagued by guilt and worry thoughts.  Why should I get to be so blessed? How can I enjoy all of this luxury when someone is starving, or grieving, or less fortunate? Shouldn't I be *doing* more with my life, or at the very least, doing a better job of what I am doing?

I stroked Brynnlie's hair and kissed the top of her head.  No, I thought.  I will not be robbed of the joy of this day.  God has given me this life, and it is an incredible gift, and I am meant to celebrate it.  It is OK if I don't spend my life solving world hunger, or looking for grief, or feeling guilty that I have been blessed.  That is the opposite of what he has for me.  I am meant to rejoice in today, and to know God's great love for me, and to look for ways to love those around me.  It is enough.

Days like this one are rare.  All of us will have days that are not so blessed. This is what makes it even more important for me to celebrate the day we had.  Our family.  Our friends.  Our love.  Our blessings.  

This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

There are only a few of them left, you know.  These golden days of summer are fleeting.  I'm making memories around here.  I'm celebrating the goodness of God, the heat of the season and the grace of the moment of life that we are in.  I'm going to remember this day, and I hope my children will too. I'm going to try to do a lot more rejoicing and being glad in the day the Lord has made, and less worrying about whether or not there is something else I am supposed to be doing at the moment.

Loves, friends.  Go grab a golden day.